Source code for ethoscope.trackers.adaptive_bg_tracker

__author__ = 'quentin'

from collections import deque
from math import log10, sqrt, pi
import cv2

    CV_VERSION = int(cv2.__version__.split(".")[0])
    CV_VERSION = 2

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from ethoscope.core.variables import XPosVariable, YPosVariable, XYDistance, WidthVariable, HeightVariable, PhiVariable, Label
from ethoscope.core.data_point import DataPoint
from ethoscope.trackers.trackers import BaseTracker, NoPositionError

import logging

[docs]class ObjectModel(object): """ A class to model, update and predict foreground object (i.e. tracked animal). """ _sqrt_2_pi = sqrt(2.0 * pi) def __init__(self, history_length=1000): #fixme this should be time, not number of points! self._features_header = [ "fg_model_area", "fg_model_height", #"fg_model_aspect_ratio", "fg_model_mean_grey" ] self._history_length = history_length self._ring_buff = np.zeros((self._history_length, len(self._features_header)), dtype=np.float32, order="F") self._std_buff = np.zeros((self._history_length, len(self._features_header)), dtype=np.float32, order="F") self._ring_buff_idx=0 self._is_ready = False self._roi_img_buff = None self._mask_img_buff = None self._img_buff_shape = np.array([0,0]) self._last_updated_time = 0 # If the model is not updated for this duration, it is reset. Patches #39 self._max_unupdated_duration = 1 * 60 * 1000.0 #ms @property def is_ready(self): return self._is_ready @property def features_header(self): return self._features_header
[docs] def update(self, img, contour,time): self._last_updated_time = time self._ring_buff[self._ring_buff_idx] = self.compute_features(img,contour) self._ring_buff_idx += 1 if self._ring_buff_idx == self._history_length: self._is_ready = True self._ring_buff_idx = 0 return self._ring_buff[self._ring_buff_idx]
[docs] def distance(self, features,time): if time - self._last_updated_time > self._max_unupdated_duration: logging.warning("FG model not updated for too long. Resetting.") self.__init__(self._history_length) return 0 if not self._is_ready: last_row = self._ring_buff_idx + 1 else: last_row = self._history_length means = np.mean(self._ring_buff[:last_row ], 0) np.subtract(self._ring_buff[:last_row], means, self._std_buff[:last_row]) np.abs(self._std_buff[:last_row], self._std_buff[:last_row]) stds = np.mean(self._std_buff[:last_row], 0) if (stds == 0).any(): return 0 a = 1 / (stds* self._sqrt_2_pi) b = np.exp(- (features - means) ** 2 / (2 * stds ** 2)) likelihoods = a * b if np.any(likelihoods==0): return 0 #print features, means logls = np.sum(np.log10(likelihoods)) / len(likelihoods) return -1.0 * logls
[docs] def compute_features(self, img, contour): x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) if self._roi_img_buff is None or np.any(self._roi_img_buff.shape < img.shape[0:2]) : # dynamically reallocate buffer if needed self._img_buff_shape[1] = max(self._img_buff_shape[1],w) self._img_buff_shape[0] = max(self._img_buff_shape[0], h) self._roi_img_buff = np.zeros(self._img_buff_shape, np.uint8) self._mask_img_buff = np.zeros_like(self._roi_img_buff) sub_mask = self._mask_img_buff[0 : h, 0 : w] sub_grey = self._roi_img_buff[ 0 : h, 0: w] cv2.cvtColor(img[y : y + h, x : x + w, :],cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY,sub_grey) sub_mask.fill(0) cv2.drawContours(sub_mask,[contour],-1, 255,-1,offset=(-x,-y)) mean_col = cv2.mean(sub_grey, sub_mask)[0] (_,_) ,(width,height), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) width, height= max(width,height), min(width,height) ar = ((height+1) / (width+1)) #todo speed should use time # # if len(self.positions) > 2: # # pm, pmm = self._positions[-1],self._positions[-2] # xm, xmm = pm["x"], pmm["x"] # ym, ymm = pm["y"], pmm["y"] # # instantaneous_speed = abs(xm + 1j*ym - xmm + 1j*ymm) # else: # instantaneous_speed = 0 # if np.isnan(instantaneous_speed): # instantaneous_speed = 0 features = np.array([log10(cv2.contourArea(contour) + 1.0), height + 1, #sqrt(ar), #instantaneous_speed +1.0, mean_col +1 # 1.0 ]) return features
[docs]class BackgroundModel(object): """ A class to model background. It uses a dynamic running average and support arbitrary and heterogeneous frame rates """ def __init__(self, max_half_life=100. * 1000, min_half_life=1.* 1000, increment = 1.2): # the maximal half life of a pixel from background, in seconds self._max_half_life = float(max_half_life) # the minimal one self._min_half_life = float(min_half_life) # starts with the fastest learning rate self._current_half_life = self._min_half_life # fixme theoritically this should depend on time, not frame index self._increment = increment # the mean background self._bg_mean = None # self._bg_sd = None self._buff_alpha_matrix = None self._buff_invert_alpha_mat = None # the time stamp of the frame las used to update self.last_t = 0 @property def bg_img(self): return self._bg_mean
[docs] def increase_learning_rate(self): self._current_half_life /= self._increment
[docs] def decrease_learning_rate(self): self._current_half_life *= self._increment
[docs] def update(self, img_t, t, fg_mask=None): dt = float(t - self.last_t) if dt < 0: # raise EthoscopeException("Negative time interval between two consecutive frames") raise NoPositionError("Negative time interval between two consecutive frames") # clip the half life to possible value: self._current_half_life = np.clip(self._current_half_life, self._min_half_life, self._max_half_life) # ensure preallocated buffers exist. otherwise, initialise them if self._bg_mean is None: self._bg_mean = img_t.astype(np.float32) # self._bg_sd = np.zeros_like(img_t) # self._bg_sd.fill(128) if self._buff_alpha_matrix is None: self._buff_alpha_matrix = np.ones_like(img_t,dtype = np.float32) # the learning rate, alpha, is an exponential function of half life # it correspond to how much the present frame should account for the background lam = np.log(2)/self._current_half_life # how much the current frame should be accounted for alpha = 1 - np.exp(-lam * dt) # set-p a matrix of learning rate. it is 0 where foreground map is true self._buff_alpha_matrix.fill(alpha) if fg_mask is not None: cv2.dilate(fg_mask,None,fg_mask) cv2.subtract(self._buff_alpha_matrix, self._buff_alpha_matrix, self._buff_alpha_matrix, mask=fg_mask) if self._buff_invert_alpha_mat is None: self._buff_invert_alpha_mat = 1 - self._buff_alpha_matrix else: np.subtract(1, self._buff_alpha_matrix, self._buff_invert_alpha_mat) np.multiply(self._buff_alpha_matrix, img_t, self._buff_alpha_matrix) np.multiply(self._buff_invert_alpha_mat, self._bg_mean, self._buff_invert_alpha_mat) np.add(self._buff_alpha_matrix, self._buff_invert_alpha_mat, self._bg_mean) self.last_t = t
[docs]class AdaptiveBGModel(BaseTracker): _description = {"overview": "The default tracker for fruit flies. One animal per ROI.", "arguments": []} fg_model = ObjectModel() def __init__(self, roi, data=None): """ An adaptive background subtraction model to find position of one animal in one roi. TODO more description here :param roi: :param data: :return: """ self._previous_shape=None self._object_expected_size = 0.05 # proportion of the roi main axis self._max_area = (5 * self._object_expected_size) ** 2 self._smooth_mode = deque() self._smooth_mode_tstamp = deque() self._smooth_mode_window_dt = 30 * 1000 #miliseconds self._bg_model = BackgroundModel() self._max_m_log_lik = 6. self._buff_grey = None self._buff_object = None self._buff_object_old = None self._buff_grey_blurred = None self._buff_fg = None self._buff_convolved_mask = None self._buff_fg_backup = None self._buff_fg_diff = None self._old_sum_fg = 0 super(AdaptiveBGModel, self).__init__(roi, data) def _pre_process_input_minimal(self, img, mask, t, darker_fg=True): blur_rad = int(self._object_expected_size * np.max(img.shape) / 2.0) if blur_rad % 2 == 0: blur_rad += 1 if self._buff_grey is None: self._buff_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._buff_grey) * 255 cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, self._buff_grey) # cv2.imshow("dbg",self._buff_grey) cv2.GaussianBlur(self._buff_grey,(blur_rad,blur_rad),1.2, self._buff_grey) if darker_fg: cv2.subtract(255, self._buff_grey, self._buff_grey) # mean = cv2.mean(self._buff_grey, mask) scale = 128. / mean[0] cv2.multiply(self._buff_grey, scale, dst = self._buff_grey) if mask is not None: cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_grey, mask, self._buff_grey) return self._buff_grey def _pre_process_input(self, img, mask, t): blur_rad = int(self._object_expected_size * np.max(img.shape) * 2.0) if blur_rad % 2 == 0: blur_rad += 1 if self._buff_grey is None: self._buff_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self._buff_grey_blurred = np.empty_like(self._buff_grey) # self._buff_grey_blurred = np.empty_like(self._buff_grey) if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._buff_grey) * 255 mask_conv = cv2.blur(mask,(blur_rad, blur_rad)) self._buff_convolved_mask = (1/255.0 * mask_conv.astype(np.float32)) cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY, self._buff_grey) hist = cv2.calcHist([self._buff_grey], [0], None, [256], [0,255]).ravel() hist = np.convolve(hist, [1] * 3) mode = np.argmax(hist) self._smooth_mode.append(mode) self._smooth_mode_tstamp.append(t) if len(self._smooth_mode_tstamp) >2 and self._smooth_mode_tstamp[-1] - self._smooth_mode_tstamp[0] > self._smooth_mode_window_dt: self._smooth_mode.popleft() self._smooth_mode_tstamp.popleft() mode = np.mean(list(self._smooth_mode)) scale = 128. / mode # cv2.GaussianBlur(self._buff_grey,(5,5), 1.5,self._buff_grey) cv2.multiply(self._buff_grey, scale, dst = self._buff_grey) cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_grey, mask, self._buff_grey) cv2.blur(self._buff_grey,(blur_rad, blur_rad), self._buff_grey_blurred) #fixme could be optimised self._buff_grey_blurred = (self._buff_grey_blurred / self._buff_convolved_mask).astype(np.uint8) cv2.absdiff(self._buff_grey, self._buff_grey_blurred, self._buff_grey) if mask is not None: cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_grey, mask, self._buff_grey) return self._buff_grey def _find_position(self, img, mask,t): grey = self._pre_process_input_minimal(img, mask, t) # grey = self._pre_process_input(img, mask, t) try: return self._track(img, grey, mask, t) except NoPositionError: self._bg_model.update(grey, t) raise NoPositionError def _track(self, img, grey, mask,t): if self._bg_model.bg_img is None: self._buff_fg = np.empty_like(grey) self._buff_object= np.empty_like(grey) self._buff_fg_backup = np.empty_like(grey) # self._buff_fg_diff = np.empty_like(grey) self._old_pos = 0.0 +0.0j # self._old_sum_fg = 0 raise NoPositionError bg = self._bg_model.bg_img.astype(np.uint8) cv2.subtract(grey, bg, self._buff_fg) cv2.threshold(self._buff_fg,20,255,cv2.THRESH_TOZERO, dst=self._buff_fg) # cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_fg_backup,self._buff_fg,dst=self._buff_fg_diff) # sum_fg = cv2.countNonZero(self._buff_fg) self._buff_fg_backup = np.copy(self._buff_fg) n_fg_pix = np.count_nonzero(self._buff_fg) prop_fg_pix = n_fg_pix / (1.0 * grey.shape[0] * grey.shape[1]) is_ambiguous = False if prop_fg_pix > self._max_area: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() raise NoPositionError if prop_fg_pix == 0: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() raise NoPositionError if CV_VERSION == 3: _, contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(self._buff_fg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) else: contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(self._buff_fg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = [cv2.approxPolyDP(c,1.2,True) for c in contours] if len(contours) == 0: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() raise NoPositionError elif len(contours) > 1: if not self.fg_model.is_ready: raise NoPositionError # hulls = [cv2.convexHull( c) for c in contours] hulls = contours #hulls = merge_blobs(hulls) hulls = [h for h in hulls if h.shape[0] >= 3] if len(hulls) < 1: raise NoPositionError elif len(hulls) > 1: is_ambiguous = True cluster_features = [self.fg_model.compute_features(img, h) for h in hulls] all_distances = [self.fg_model.distance(cf,t) for cf in cluster_features] good_clust = np.argmin(all_distances) hull = hulls[good_clust] distance = all_distances[good_clust] else: hull = contours[0] if hull.shape[0] < 3: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() raise NoPositionError features = self.fg_model.compute_features(img, hull) distance = self.fg_model.distance(features,t) if distance > self._max_m_log_lik: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() raise NoPositionError (x,y) ,(w,h), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(hull) if w < h: angle -= 90 w,h = h,w angle = angle % 180 h_im = min(grey.shape) w_im = max(grey.shape) max_h = 2*h_im if w>max_h or h>max_h: raise NoPositionError cv2.ellipse(self._buff_fg ,((x,y), (int(w*1.5),int(h*1.5)),angle),255,-1) #todo center mass just on the ellipse area cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_fg_backup, self._buff_fg,self._buff_fg_backup) y,x = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(self._buff_fg_backup) pos = x +1.0j*y pos /= w_im xy_dist = round(log10(1./float(w_im) + abs(pos - self._old_pos))*1000) # cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_fg_diff,self._buff_fg,dst=self._buff_fg_diff) # sum_diff = cv2.countNonZero(self._buff_fg_diff) # xor_dist = (sum_fg + self._old_sum_fg - 2*sum_diff) / float(sum_fg + self._old_sum_fg) # xor_dist *=1000. # self._old_sum_fg = sum_fg self._old_pos = pos if mask is not None: cv2.bitwise_and(self._buff_fg, mask, self._buff_fg) if is_ambiguous: self._bg_model.increase_learning_rate() self._bg_model.update(grey, t) else: self._bg_model.decrease_learning_rate() self._bg_model.update(grey, t, self._buff_fg) self.fg_model.update(img, hull,t) x_var = XPosVariable(int(round(x))) y_var = YPosVariable(int(round(y))) distance = XYDistance(int(xy_dist)) #xor_dist = XorDistance(int(xor_dist)) w_var = WidthVariable(int(round(w))) h_var = HeightVariable(int(round(h))) phi_var = PhiVariable(int(round(angle))) # mlogl = mLogLik(int(distance*1000)) out = DataPoint([x_var, y_var, w_var, h_var, phi_var, #mlogl, distance, #xor_dist #Label(0) ]) self._previous_shape=np.copy(hull) return [out]